Valk Series

Valk Series creates top-of-the-line board games that are meticulously designed for speedcubing enthusiasts, offering exceptional performance and control.

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Valk 3 M Magnetic 3x3x3 Stickerless Speed Cube

The Valk 3 M is a factory magnetized version of one of the most revered 3x3s of the last 3 years. Originally endorsed and used by renowned speedcuber Mats Valk himself, the Valk 3 was touted as the premier speedcube of its time from popular cube manufacturer QiYi/MoFangGe.

Valk 3 Elite M 3x3 Speed Cube

Ultimate Gift for KidsNobody falls out of love with the 3x3 cube. They are always great for kids and adults, you can take them anywhere. Need something for your kids to do in the car or plane?

Valk 5 M Stickerless Speed Cube

The Valk 5 M is a fast, smooth 5x5 from QiYi, famous for setting the current 5x5 single and average world records. The first magnetic 5x5 by QiYi, this puzzle features medium/strong magnets, primary internals, and fantastic corner cutting.

Valk 3 Power M 3x3x3 Speed Cube, Tripod and Cube Bag (Black)

Better-Faster-Power - The Valk3 has achieved many great results,including two World Records. The Valk3\'s upgrade, the Valk3 Power has been released and is even stronger. OJIN Team offers a variety of amazing cubes, which is developed by the cooperation of TOP International Cube Designers.